mmcivf ivf clinic


Patient Program

Higher success rates automatically conclude lower fertility treatment costs. Therefore, it is a major factor attracting couples to the best IVF Experts to seek fertility treatments abroad.

But if you are travelling abroad for more affordable IVF, here are a few things you must know to have clarity about fertility treatments abroad.

Patient Program
International Patient Program

How To Find The Best Fertility Clinic Abroad?

When searching online for an IVF clinic in Dubai, you must exhaustively research on potential fertility clinics and experts and compare their portfolios to seek the best fertility clinic abroad.


While searching, you must mind.

VF success rates

IVF success rates of Individual clinics

Expert’s qualification

Expert’s qualification, experience, specialty & other valuable information

Patient reviews

Patient reviews and testimonials

Patient reviews and testimonials<

Patient reviews and testimonials


Patient reviews and testimonials

Apart from that, you must also learn about accommodation nearby, as the IVF process involves regular visits to the hospital for procedures, tests, sample collections, and routine checkups.

financial assistance

Does it provide

financial assistance?

Fertility treatment has many phases. The primary ones might be affordable, but the IVF treatment fee may pinch your pockets. Therefore, it is advisable to seek treatment from a hospital or clinic that will assist you in seeking financial assistance from the best health advisors and insurance companies, who can help you choose the best insurance plan to back your treatment cost without interruptions.

At MMC IVF, we have a team of financial counsellors who have years of experience helping clients choose the best financing option for the best in-budget fertility treatment.

Why Is IVF Better In Dubai Hospitals?

There are several reasons why Dubai or the Middle East is a hub for fertility treatment abroad.At MMC IVF, we run a dedicated International patient program to assist international patients in the first row.

What Is International Patient Program?

It is a stepwise, streamlined process patient dedicated program to help off-shore patients benefit from our medical facility without waiting in long queues. At MMC IVF, the patient program starts with:


Contact our International Patient Co-ordinator

Our coordinator will recommend a Fertility Specialist and outline the likely costs of your treatment. If you are happy to take the next step, we shall arrange a phone or video consultation with one of our Fertility Specialists.


Confirmation of Fertility Treatment Plan

If you decide to proceed with the proposed fertility treatment, we’ll send you some consent forms and a detailed timeline of your treatment cycle and medication details.


Assistance with travel plan

Our coordinator, who works closely with preferred travel agencies, can help you to book all flights, hotels and visa.


On site visit

During the visit to our clinic, scheduled 1-2 days before your menstrual cycle, you will come in for a consultation, an ultrasound scan and a repeat semen analysis. If all tests are fine, you can begin treatment.

IVF clinic