mmcivf ivf clinic

When should you consider IVF?

When should you consider IVF?
30 Jul 2024

For many people, in vitro fertilization, or IVF, is a miraculous medical treatment that allows them to have children at their own pace—or even at all. It's the final step in many fertility journeys, the last resort when nothing else works. And, because of its reputation for resolving otherwise intractable fertility issues, some regard IVF treatment as a foregone conclusion: Take an egg, mix in some sperm, and place it in a dish while you plan your baby shower!

Having said that, though IVF is an amazing fertility treatment yet, it is an intricate medical procedure, and you must know when to get started with it exactly.

Here are some of the pointers that will help you understand as to when is IVF done:

You are over 35 years old and have been trying for 6 months

If you're over 35 and haven't conceived after 6 months of trying, get yourself thoroughly investigated as a couple. At least 50% of infertility is caused by a male factor, either partially or entirely. Seeking the assistance of a qualified fertility subspecialist can be extremely beneficial. You will majorly get benefitted in two ways -

  1. a) all of the necessary tests will be performed from the start, and
  2. b) all treatment options, including but not limited to IVF, will be made available to you.

You've been trying for a year and are still unable to conceive

Unexplained infertility does not imply that everything is fine. Most couples with normal fertility conceive relatively quickly; after 6 months of trying, more than 80% will be pregnant. After 12 months, most couples clearly have a problem. "Unexplained infertility" refers to long-term infertility in which all standard tests appear normal, but a couple is still unable to conceive. A woman must have had a laparoscopic pelvic examination to receive a true diagnosis of unexplained infertility, as a significant number will have "silent" endometriosis, where the main symptom is infertility rather than pain.

In such cases, IVF treatment is something you can reach out for.

You have a genetic condition that you do not want to pass on to your child

Couples with normal fertility who have one or both partners carrying a genetic disease can use IVF to become pregnant. Couples in this situation typically have very positive IVF outcomes because there are no specific sperm, egg, or receptivity issues. We can ensure that only healthy embryos are implanted to make babies by creating and testing embryos in the lab. Many serious conditions can be avoided in this manner.

You are more than 35 years of age; pregnancy is not occurring naturally, and you want to conceive another baby

If you are starting a family later in life, you may not be able to have more than one child naturally. IVF provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for embryo banking. By proactively freezing healthy IVF embryos while you still have the opportunity, you may greatly increase your chances of having the number of children you desire. Prior to embryo banking, genetic testing of embryos allows you to realistically determine your true probability of future pregnancy success. Pre-implantation genetic screening of embryos reduces the likelihood of miscarriage or having a baby with a serious abnormality such as Down Syndrome.

There are no dead ends! MMC IVF has your back!

MMC IVF specialists understand that infertility can be an emotionally difficult subject. That is why we are available to answer all of your questions and assist you in achieving your ultimate goal of parenting. Dr. Srisailesh Vitthala and his qualified staff at MMC IVF have extensive experience in assisting several patients in making their childbirth dreams a reality. Besides offering IVF treatment in Dubai, our clinic also provides a wide range of other infertility treatments.

Schedule an appointment today to ditch your roadblocks!

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