mmcivf ivf clinic

What is IVF Lite, & How Does It Work?

What is IVF Lite, & How Does It Work?
30 Jul 2024

 A minimal stimulation approach at an affordable price

IVF may often lead to ovarian hyperstimulation, which may cause after-effects. IVF Lite is a moderate approach that uses minimal stimulation techniques for safer ovarian stimulation, giving the expected results.

What is IVF Lite?

By the term Lite, you might get a hint— it is the same IVF process, but with a soft and lighter approach.

IVF Lite is a revolutionary technology that uses a soft ovarian stimulation protocol by using a lighter dosage of fertility drugs in IVF. This step is taken to

  • Reduce the consequence of ovarian hyperstimulation.
  • Get the same results as with the traditional approach.
  • Make it applicable to a wider section of women.
  • Reduce the risk of ovarian hyper-stimulation, multiple pregnancies, and side effects found in the traditional IVF approach.
  • Manage cost effectiveness which is almost half of the traditional approach.

How does IVF Lite treatment work?

As per the IVF process, the ovaries are stimulated to timely release better quality, multiple eggs for egg retrieval or IUI. The soft stimulation protocol stimulates ovaries with a lesser dosage of fertility drugs, with the same effectiveness.

How is IVF Lite different from the traditional IVF approach?

The key difference between IVF Lite and the traditional IVF approach is the reduced medication dosage used for ovarian simulation.

It produces lesser eggs after stimulation, reducing the chances of multiple pregnancy rates. It is a soft approach and causes minimal side effects, which normal tradational IVF treatments may cause. With reduced cost and lesser side effects, even higher-aged women or women with multiple miscarriages may try it.

What is involved in IVF LITE Process?

It starts with the following steps:

Step 1 : Soft ovulation induction 

For softer ovarian stimulation, a lighter dose of fertility injection, Clomiphene Citrate tablets, is given, lighter than Gonadotropins and GnRH Antagonist injections used in traditional IVF.

Next, other steps are similar to the traditional IVF process.

Step 2: Monitoring of follicular maturation

After a few days of ovarian stimulation, follicles are supposed to develop. With the help of regular ultrasounds, ovarian follicles are monitored for proper development and maturation.

Step 3: Egg retrieval and sperm collection

About 34-36 hours before egg retrieval, an HCG trigger shot is given. It eases the egg release from the follicular sheath, making egg retrieval easy. 

Parallelly, the semen sample from the male partner is requested for sperm collection.

Step 4 : In-Vitro Fertilization

The egg and sperm are fertilized in-vitro or in a petri dish in the laboratory. The embryos are matured until the blastocyte stage. 

Step 5: The Final- Embryo Transfer

The blastocyte stage embryo is finally transferred into the woman’s uterus. After 10-12 days, a  pregnancy test is taken to confirm implantation.

Who can approach IVF Lite treatment?

The following women can approach IVF lite treatment if:

  • Their system poorly responds to ovarian stimulation.
  • Those with tubular factor infertility
  • Those with diminished ovarian reserve
  • Those who want to avoid the side effects of ovarian stimulation
  • Higher-aged women wanting to undergo ovarian stimulation multiple times (if it demands)
  • Had failed IVF before
  • Have PCOS  with a risk of recurrent hyperstimulation

MMC IVF is Dubai’s most preferred IVF treatment center. We are a responsible and dedicated team of ART clinicians with more than 20 years of experience. We provide quality care, expertise, and world-class infrastructure, all under one roof.

If you are struggling with infertility issues and want to enquire about IVF Lite or IVF Lite success rates, consult our IVF experts. So far, we have given over 9000 babies worldwide, you could be the next parents.

Ready to take next step?

Schedule a consultation with our expert team at MMC IVF. We are here to provide personalized care and support