mmcivf ivf clinic

The Facts about Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections

The Facts about Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections
09 Dec 2024

Understanding STDs & STIs: What You Need to Know

STIs and STDs are sexually transmitted infections and disorders that are two common health issues affecting millions of people worldwide. Ranging from mild to severe, their impact can affect reproductive and sexual health. This awareness about sexual health necessitates the fact that one is conversant with modes of transmission of STDs/STIs, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Many STDs and STIs lead to complications, which can be lifelong if not treated correctly. Some complications include infertility. At MMCIVF, we care for comprehensive education, diagnosis, and treatment of STDs and STIs. Our skilled staff is dedicated to offering assistance and care to individuals to help them maintain their sexual health, manage risks, and then make informed decisions about their reproductive well-being. We empower the patients with knowledge on how to protect themselves and their partners.

What are STDs and STIs?

STDs and STIs are sexually transmitted infections that one acquires by sexual contact with a human being. There has been much overlapping in the use of the terms "STD" and "STI"; however, while all infections are diseases causing syndromes, the infections do not necessarily signify having any disease at that given moment. Common types include chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV, and herpes. These infections can be passed through vaginal, anal, or oral sex and sometimes from mother to child during delivery. Safe sex, condoms, and check-ups are great prevention methods. Not all STDs/STIs can be cured, but most can be treated.

How to Know STD and STI Symptoms

The symptoms of STD/STIs are pretty comprehensive; however, most cause pain or aches when urinating, discharge during urination, lesions, rash on the genital organs, or a combination of some. Some STD/STI diseases, like chlamydia and gonorrhoea, have no sign of symptoms at all; some people might transmit to their partners without knowledge, thereby leading to unnoticed STD which progresses into severe problems, including barrenness if they go unattended to. The condition often presents with flu-like symptoms or visible sores and ulcers, which are seen in herpes or HIV infection. It is thus a must to be alert of any changes in sexual health and seek medical advice when noted. Early detection through screening can prevent long-term complications from these infections.

Prevention of STDs and STIs

Safe sexual health is the only known surest way of eliminating the re-emergence of STDs and STIs; this occurs as long as the use of proper barriers during vaginal, anal, and oral intercourse becomes habitual. Testing and regular screening in sexually active subjects and also those who practice with many partners would then enable them to detect infection sooner and prevent its further transfer. There are vaccines for some STDs. For instance, the HPV vaccine will prevent cervical cancer, and the Hepatitis B vaccine will prevent damage to the liver. Open communication with sexual partners regarding sexual health, prevention methods, and potential risks will significantly reduce the spread of infections. This can be done by combining safe practices with regular screenings and vaccinations in order to significantly reduce the risk of STDs and STIs, thus ensuring healthy sexual and reproductive health for both parties.

Impact of STDs on Reproductive Health and Fertility

Untreated STDs are usually dangerous to reproductive health; they both can affect the opposite sexes. Infections among women like chlamydia and gonorrhoea can cause PID; the disease can lead to scarring and blockage in the fallopian tubes and cause severe infertility. Among males, problems of quality and count of sperm, as well as infertility, will arise because of untreated STDs. Long-term complications will be avoided through early diagnosis and treatment. The team at MMCIVF would provide a full-spectrum approach to treat fertility disorders attributed to STIs. A more personalised treatment and care provision is offered. These treatment alternatives include fertility-preservation measures like freezing an egg or a sperm, whereas the higher reproductive technologies in the present scenario are IVF and ICSI. Given the fact that timely interventions are crucial when it comes to preserving reproductively healthy conditions, our professionals are dedicated and committed to providing individual care to alleviate fertility problems posed by infections. Early medical treatment and examination can help prevent damage to the reproductive system and reserve future fertility potential.


MMCIVF is an innovative fertility centre providing for all women's reproductive needs. We are a specialised team of professionals with diversified services, from fertility and screening treatments to genetic studies and counselling. Our main vision is to support and help women at all points in their reproductive lives-whether it is pre-conception care or advanced solutions for fertility. At MMCIVF, we appreciate the plight that surrounds sexual and reproductive health issues and will thus make efforts to deliver quality personalised care in a sensitive and caring manner. We provide all sorts of infertility treatments for various causes like STIs and also support and educate individuals for an informed choice in their health decisions. Our facilities are up-to-date, and our approach is holistic, ensuring that every patient receives the best care.

Stay Safe and Get Tested

Prevention, early detection, and treatment are integrated together into good sexual and reproductive health. STDs and STIs can be prevented by regular testing, helping infections to be identified and possibly treated before causing further harm. This knowledge would also help the sexually active to understand risks associated with infections left untreated and infertility risks. We educate and urge our people at MMCIVF to attend for testing, use condoms, and report any possible symptoms of STI infections to the medical personnel immediately. This will prevent such infections, help control their symptoms, and may restore fertility because of the same STIs. You count, and so does your health. Here is the team ready and willing to help you by counselling you on the use of protective measures, symptom management, or treatment of fertility-related disorders because of these STIs. The site supports you in making informed choices to protect your health and fertility.

Ready to take next step?

Schedule a consultation with our expert team at MMC IVF. We are here to provide personalized care and support