mmcivf ivf clinic


Meditation For Fertility Ultrasound Diagnostic Services
30 Jul 2024

The topic of fertility is becoming more relevant day by day. As more people become aware of the topic and how it is closely associated with our daily lives, other aspects of fertility are coming to light. Is there an association between fertility and our mind and body? If yes, how big of an effect do they have on each other? Let us try to find answers to these questions in this blog:


Fertility is an individual's or a couple's biological ability to have children naturally. It involves complex processes in both the male and female reproductive systems. Fertility in women depends on ovulation, when the ovaries release eggs that move through the fallopian tubes. These eggs may be fertilized by sperm before settling in the uterus. When a man ejaculates, he makes healthy sperm and releases them into the air. Fertility is affected by many things, such as age, hormonal balance, health problems, living decisions, genetics, surroundings, and mental health. To diagnose and treat reproduction problems, it's important to understand these complexities. In some situations, assisted reproductive technologies can help.


Gonadotropins are hormones that control the production of sperm and eggs. They are divided into two types: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). In men and those with testes, gonadotropins stimulate the testicles to produce sperm and the sex hormone testosterone. Sperm are made at a rate of about 300 million per day and take around 80 days to develop and mature.

In women and those with ovaries, gonadotropins stimulate the growth of multiple follicles where eggs develop. The female sex hormone, estrogen, is produced by the ovaries as the eggs mature within the follicles. This leads to the release of an egg (ovulation) and the preparation of the uterus lining for embryo implantation.

The menstrual cycle is the process of producing sex hormones and releasing an egg. It is counted from the first day of the period until the day before the start of the next period. It can be broken down into four phases: menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, and luteal phase.

Conception occurs when an egg and sperm come together, releasing the fertilized egg into the fallopian tube. The resulting embryo develops into an embryo and travels along the fallopian tube to the uterus. After implantation, the uterus lining prepares for the implantation of the growing embryo, and the embryo starts producing human chorionic gonadotrophins (hCG). This hormone gives a positive pregnancy test reading.


An egg is the only organ for reproduction a woman will ever have at birth. As she gets older, the quality and number of her eggs decrease. Age is the most significant issue regarding a woman's ability to conceive. The consequences of aging on a woman's fertility are still there, even if being in excellent health increases the likelihood of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a healthy child.

A woman in her early to mid-20s has a monthly probability of 25–30% of becoming pregnant. When a woman reaches her early 30s, her fertility usually falls gradually; beyond 35, the decline picks up quickly. The likelihood of becoming pregnant in any monthly cycle at 40 is about 5%.


Although it has long been known that a woman's age impacts her fertility, more recent research has revealed that a man's age also influences a woman's chances of becoming pregnant and the health of her unborn child.

When sperm quality declines, male fertility often declines between the ages of 40 and 45. Male age increases are associated with a decrease in the likelihood of conception overall, an increase in the time to conception (the number of menstrual cycles required to become pregnant), and a higher risk of miscarriage and fetal mortality.

The likelihood of mental health issues in children of older fathers is also higher (but still uncommon). Compared to children whose fathers are 30 years of age or less, children whose fathers are 40 or older are five times more likely to suffer from autism spectrum disorder. Additionally, they have a somewhat higher chance of experiencing schizophrenia and other mental health issues in the future.


Lifestyle behaviors that you can control can significantly influence fertility, so if you want to improve your chances of becoming pregnant, think about changing them. Paying attention to these things may improve your chances of getting pregnant.

1. Regular sleep: Sleep is crucial for various aspects of life, including job performance, mental health, fertility, and sperm health. Insufficient sleep can lead to fertility issues, increased miscarriage rates, and excess weight. To improve sleep hygiene, follow a set schedule, bedtime routine, adequate daylight, physical activity, and avoid electronics. Consult a doctor if sleep issues persist.

2. Caffeine: Limit your daily caffeine intake to 200 mg since it may raise the chance of miscarriage in individuals who are trying to conceive. Take care of your lack of sleep, eat meals high in protein, and drink decaffeinated coffee or herbal tea instead of coffee.

3. Exercise: Exercise supports fertility by improving the heart, lungs, and immune system, especially for those with excess weight. However, overdoing exercise can increase the risk of anovulation, while vigorous exercise reduces this risk.

4. Alcohol: Research suggests occasional drinking during pregnancy may support fertility, but it's not a direct link. Heavy alcohol consumption can reduce fertility and semen volume. To minimize risk, abstain from alcohol, use sparkling water or mocktails, and seek help if drinking becomes problematic.

5. Quit smoking: Smoking increases the risk of cancer, COPD, and heart disease and affects fertility in both male and female reproductive organs. Quitting smoking requires support from doctors, nicotine replacement therapy, prescription medication, and behavioral support, especially before pregnancy.


Within the field of fertility, where advances in medical science and technology typically take center stage, there is a significant and sometimes overlooked factor that subtly impacts our reproductive path: the complex relationship between our mental states and our capacity for conception.

According to the mind-body link in conception, our emotional and mental health might greatly influence our conception capacity. This ground-breaking theory reveals that our ideas, feelings, and beliefs may affect the biology of conception, challenging the conventional understanding of fertility as a purely physical process. The human mind may impact the biology of conception, even if hormones, reproductive organs, and medical treatments are essential factors on the path to motherhood. This creates new opportunities for people and couples looking to start or grow their families.


Mind-body treatments, sometimes called body-mind-spirit medicine, emphasize the relationship between mental and physical health. They support coping strategies for the stress associated with infertility and reproductive therapies. Research has indicated that couples participating in mind-body programs had better mental health and higher conception rates. Instead of treating diseases or illnesses, mind-body medicine is frequently considered a means of reducing stress and enhancing quality of life.

Now let's look at some mind-body therapies that make fertility easier:

1. Yoga:

Yoga, a meditative exercise that combines physical postures and breathing practices, has been used for healing for over 5,000 years. It is now gaining popularity for fertility, with fertility-friendly yoga classes available in DVDs, books, and studios. Although research on yoga and fertility is limited, a study found that yoga can reduce anxiety and depression symptoms in women awaiting IVF treatment. Any yoga class that emphasizes relaxation and is not highly competitive should work to benefit fully from yoga's relaxation benefits. For optimal results, opt for gentle or restorative yoga.

2. Acupuncture :

Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice, is believed to balance energy flow along specific meridians on the body. It is an alternative energy medicine and mind-body therapy that induces deep relaxation and emotional release. Research has shown a connection between acupuncture and fertility, with some studies showing improved pregnancy rates among women using it. Acupuncture also reduces stress and helps people relax, making it a popular mind-body therapy for IVF patients.

3. Meditation:

Meditation is a practice that encourages the mind to shift from a rushed, worrying state to a calmer, more focused state. It can involve letting thoughts flow without focusing on one idea, focusing on breathing, or repeating a mantra. Although not commonly used in mind-body fertility programs, meditation has been shown to help those dealing with chronic illnesses feel more focused and calmer. Research on meditation's relaxation effect is extensive.

4. Hypnosis:

Hypnosis is a mind-body therapy that induces a trance state, allowing the mind to suggest alternative ideas. It can also be self-hypnotized through guided imagery. Research suggests hypnosis can improve fertility rates during embryo transfer, reduce unhealthy habits like obesity and smoking, and reduce stress and anxiety.

5. Blogging or keeping a journal:

Writing therapy is a mind-body approach that uses written words to process difficult emotions. It can be done in a healing group or one-on-one psychotherapy. Blogs can also serve as informal therapy, providing an extensive infertility support network. This practice can be used between sessions or between psychotherapy sessions.


Couples with fertility problems must understand their choices when it comes to reproductive treatments. People can choose the best course of therapy for them by consulting with a healthcare provider to determine the underlying reason for their fertility problems.

If you need an assistant or a supporter throughout your fertility journey, please get in touch with us through our website. We will be there for you.

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