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6 Important Facts About Ovulation and Fertility That Can Help You Get Pregnant Faster!

6 Important Facts About Ovulation and Fertility That Can Help You Get Pregnant Faster!
Fertility & Reproductive Health
30 Jul 2024

Women are born with 1 to 2 million eggs but release only 300 to 400 eggs lifetime, usually one egg each cycle. So knowing about the menstrual and ovulation cycle may help you understand the process of getting pregnant faster. After all, it's all about the timing! Isn't it?

So, let's get started!

#Fact 1: What is the monthly cycle?

The monthly menstrual cycle, also called a period cycle, is timed 28-35 days apart. Its starts from the first day of bleeding. During this cycle 14th day, one of the ovaries releases one egg. 

The menstrual cycle is marked by a series of hormonal and structural changes to the uterus (in response to hormone release) to prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy.

#Fact 2: What is the ovulation cycle?

The ovaries release eggs from its follicle on 14 or 15 days of bleeding or the start of the menstrual cycle. During the ovulation cycle, the egg in the ovaries matures and releases. This repeated cycle every month is called the ovulation cycle.

Though there are no significant ovulation symptoms, experts suggest mood changes, breast tenderness and fatigue, and nausea be common symptoms experienced by women.

#Fact 3: Why does timing matter?

If your menstrual or ovulation cycle is disturbed, i.e., you do not get your periods timely or eggs do not release timely, then that could be a hurdle in conception.

If you are planning pregnancy, it is considered best to mate multiple times in 2-3 days of the fertility window. It is the time when conception chances are maximum. But a disturbing ovulation cycle can disrupt egg release and defeat your pregnancy planning. 

You can visit our site and calculate your ovulation calender with our ovulation calculator, and plan your activity around that time to achieve your pregnancy goals. 

#Fact 4: What infertility treatments are there, and how do they help?

Infertility is caused due to various reasons. Sometimes the reason is unidentified. If you have tried unprotected sex for a year or more and have not conceived, you can seek guidance from our fertility expert. Our fertility doctor will order some fertility tests based on which the following infertility treatments can be recommended.

  • Medications- to stimulate ovaries for ovulation and produce multiple eggs.
  • IUI- Intrauterine insemination is an artificial insemination of high-quality sperm directly into the uterus to increase conception chances.
  • IVF- In Vitro Fertilization requires removing eggs from ovaries and fertilizing them with the partner’s sperm in an outside controlled IVF setup. 

#Fact 5:  Are home pregnancy test kits reliable?

Home pregnancy test kits check your urine for ‘pregnancy hormone hCG’, which is released when the egg is fertilized and implants in the uterus. 

Pregnancy test kits are reliable, but you can also get a clinical checkup to get pregnancy assurance. You will also get to know the important do’s and dont’s tips from our experts at MMC IVF.

#Fact 6: What are the early signs of pregnancy

Some obvious signs of pregnancy include:

  • Missing periods
  • Urge to urinate often
  • Fatigue
  • Morning sickness or nausea all day
  • Breasts becoming larger and tender

MMC IVF is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure with highly qualified fertility experts from all across the globe. However, due to stress, lifestyle problems, hereditary, and other problems, couples face fertility issues. Our experts diagnose the cause and extent of infertility and help them with the right fertility assistance solutions.

Visit our experts and resolve your fertility issues privately.

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