The most common type of cancer among people is breast cancer. The earlier and greater the knowledge about it, the better it is because millions of cases are diagnosed annually, and appropriate treatment at the right time would save thousands of lives.
In fact, many survivors face problems regarding fertility after cancer treatment. Whether it is chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, people question whether they can still conceive a child. The good news is that with advancements in fertility preservation and expert care, pregnancy after cancer treatment is possible.
A diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer is overwhelming, bringing fears and questions into one's mind about the future, including family planning and fertility. Many patients with this diagnosis worry about whether they can pursue their dreams of parenthood while managing their health.
Uterine fibroids are lumpy non-cancerous mass growth. They usually erupt in childbearing years and subside on their own after pregnancy. Still, some fibroids in pregnancy pose a health risk.
Schedule a consultation with our expert team at MMC IVF. We are here to provide personalized care and support
MMCIVF & Zivanza Wellness - Brands of Millennium Medical Center LLC, DET License No. 814420 & DHA Facility License No. 0002527
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MMCIVF is the trade mark and trade name of MMC Millennium Medical Center LLC., Dubai, United Arab Emirates.